Gauging Goodness of Fit: Teachers’ Responses to Their Instructional Teams in High-Poverty Schools


Charner-Laird M, Ng M, Johnson SM, Kraft MA, Papay JP, S.K R. Gauging goodness of fit: Teachers’ expectations for their instructional teams in high-poverty schools. American Journal of Education. 2017;123 (4) :553-584.

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Teacher teams are increasingly common in urban schools. In this study, we an- alyze teachers’ responses to teams in six high-poverty schools. Teachers used two criteria to assess teams’ goodness of fit in meeting the demands of their work: whether their teams helped them teach better and whether the team contributed to a better school. Their responses differed notably by school, depending largely on the principal’s approach to implementation. In the three schools where teachers assessed teams favorably, principals set a meaningful purpose for teachers’ col- laborative work, provided structural support and professional expertise for their deliberations, and established safe environments for teachers’ on-the-job growth.