Working Papers
Lyon, M.A., Kraft, M.A., Steinberg, M.P. The Causes and Consequences of U.S. teacher strikes. Working Paper.
Kraft, M.A., Edwards, D.S., & Cannata, M. The Scaling Dynamics and Causal Effects of a District-Operated Tutoring Program. Working Paper.
Kraft, M.A. Schueler, B. & Falken, G. What impacts should we expect from tutoring at scale? Exploring meta-analytic generalizability
Abstract PDF
Wedenoja, L., Papay, J.P., & Kraft, M.A. Second time’s the charm? How sustained relationships from repeat student-teacher matches build academic and behavioral skills. Working Paper
Abstract PDF
Kraft, M.A., & Lovison, V. The effect of student-tutor ratios: Experimental evidence from a pilot online math tutoring program. Working Paper
Edwards, D.S., & Kraft, M.A. Grow Your Own: An Umbrella Term for Very Different Localized Teacher Pipeline Programs. Working Paper
Wedenoja L., Papay J.P., Kraft M.A. Second Time's the Charm? How Repeat Student-Teacher Matches Build Academic and Behavioral Skills. Working Paper.
Kraft, M.A., Conklin M., & Falken G. Preferences, Inequities, and Incentives in the Substitute Teacher Labor Market. Working Paper.
Kraft, M.A., Bolves, A., & Hurd, N.M. School-based Mentoring Relationships and Human Capital Formation. Working Paper.
Lyon, M.A & Kraft, M.A. Elevating Education in Politics: How Teacher Strikes Shape Congressional Election Campaigns. Working Paper.
Kraft, M.A., & Lyon, M.A. The Rise and Fall of the Teaching Profession: Prestige, Interest, Preparation, and Satisfaction over the Last Half Century. Working Paper.
Novicoff, S., & Kraft, M.A. Instructional Time in U.S. Public Schools: Wide Variation, Causal Effects, and Lost Hours. Working Paper.
Bleiberg, J., Brunner , E., Harbatkin, E., Kraft, M., & Springer, M. Taking Teacher Evaluation to Scale: The Effects of State Reforms on Student Achievement and Attainment. Working Paper
Kraft, M.A., & Novicoff, S. Time in School: A Conceptual Framework, Synthesis of the Causal Research, and Empirical Exploration. American Educational Research Journal.
Abstract PDF Publisher’s Version
Edwards, D.S., Kraft, M.A., Christian, A., Candelaria, C. Teacher Shortages: A Framework for Understanding and Predicting Vacancies. Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
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Lyon, M.A & Kraft, M.A. Teacher Strikes as Public Signals: Impacts on Political Campaigns and Public Education Funding. Journal of Human Resources.
Kraft, M.A., Falken, G.T. A Blueprint for Scaling Tutoring and Mentoring Across Public Schools. AERA Open. 2021;7 (1) :1-21.
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Kraft, M.A., Simon, N., Lyon, M. Sustaining a Sense of Success: The Importance of Teacher Working Conditions During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. 2021.
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Kraft, M.A., Monti-Nussbaum, M. The Big Problem with Little Interruptions to Classroom Learning. AERA Open. 2021;7 (1) :1-21. 2021.
Kraft, M.A. (2023). The Effect Size Benchmark that Matters Most: Education Interventions Often Fail. Educational Researcher, 52(3), 183-187.
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James, J.K., Kraft, M.A., & Papay, J.P. Local Supply, Temporal Dynamics, and Unrealized Potential in Teacher Hiring. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 42(4), 1010-1044.
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Kraft, M.A., Bolves, A. & Hurd, N. How Informal Mentoring by Teachers, Counselors, and Coaches Supports Students’ Long-Run Academic Success. Economics of Education Review, 95, 102411
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Bleiberg, J. & Kraft, M.A. What Happened to the K-12 Education Labor Market during COVID? The Acute Need for Better Data Systems. Education Finance and Policy, 18(1), 156-172.
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Bleiberg, J., Brunner, E., Harbatkin, E., Kraft, M., & Springer, M. Taking Teacher Evaluation to Scale: The Effects of State Reforms on Student Achievement and Attainment. R&R Journal of Political Economy: Microeconomics.
Kraft, M.A., & Bolves, A. Can Technology Transform Communication Between Schools, Teachers, and Parents? Evidence from a Randomized Field Trial. Education Finance and Policy, 17(3): 479-501
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Papay, J.P., Kraft, M.A., & James, J.K. Operator Versus Partner: A Case Study of the Blueprint School Network’s Model for School Turnaround. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 15(2), 367-393.
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Kraft, M.A., & Christian, A. Can Teacher Evaluation Systems Produce High-Quality Feedback? An Administrator Training Field Experiment. American Educational Research Journal, 59(3), 500-537.
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Kraft, M.A & Bleiberg, J. The Inequitable Effects of Teacher Layoffs: What We Know and Can Do. Educational Finance and Policy, 17(2), 367-377.
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Kraft, M.A., List, J.A., Livingston, J.A., and Sadoff, S. Online Tutoring By College Volunteers: Experimental Evidence from a Pilot Program. American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 112, 614-618.
Kraft, M.A. The Hidden Cost of Classroom Interruptions. Educational Leadership. 2020;77 (June) :33-37.
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Kraft, M.A. (2020). Interpreting Effect Sizes of Education Interventions. Educational Researcher, 49(4), 241-253.
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Kraft, M.A., & Hill, H.C. (2020). Developing Ambitious Mathematics Instruction Through Web-Based Coaching: An Experimental Trail. American Educational Research Journal, 57(6), 2378-2414.
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Kraft, M.A., Papay, J.P., Chi, O.L. (2020). Teacher Skill Development: Evidence from Performance Ratings by Principals. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 39(2), 315-347.
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Kraft, M.A., Brunner, E.J., Dougherty, S.M., & Schwegman, D. (2020). The Effect of Teacher Accountability Reforms on New Teacher Supply and Quality. Journal of Public Economics, 188, 104212.
Blazar, D.L., Kraft, M.A. Balancing Rigor, Replication, and Relevance: A Case for Multiple-Cohort, Longitudinal Experiments. AERA Open. 2019;5 (3) :1-18.
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Kraft, M.A. (2019). Teacher Effects on Complex Cognitive Skills and Social-Emotional Competencies. Journal of Human Resources. 2019;54 (1) :1-36.
Kraft, M.A. Federal efforts to improve teacher quality. In: Bush-Obama School Reform: Lessons Learned. Harvard Education Press; 2018. pp. 69-84.
Kraft, M.A., Blazar, D. Taking Teacher Coaching To Scale: Can Personalized Training Become Standard Practice?. Education Next. 2018;18 (4).
Kraft, M.A., Blazar, D., Hogan, D. (2018). The Effect of Teacher Coaching on Instruction and Achievement: A Meta-analysis of the Causal Evidence. Review of Educational Research, 88(4), 547-588.
Papay, J.P., Kraft, M.K. Developing Workplaces Where Teachers Stay, Improve, and Succeed. In: Teaching in Context: How Social Aspects of School and School Systems Shape Teachers’ Development & Effectiveness. Cambridge: Harvard Education Press; 2017. pp. 15-35.
Kraft, M.A. Engaging Parents Through Better Communication Systems. Educational Leadership. 2017;71 (September) :58-62.
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Kraft, M.A., Monti-Nussbaum M. (2017). Can Schools Enable Parents to Prevent Summer Learning Loss? A Text Messaging Field Experiment to Promote Literacy Skills. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2017;674 (1) :85-112.
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Steinberg, M.P. & Kraft, M.A. (2017). The Sensitivity of Teacher Performance Ratings to the Design of Teacher Evaluation Systems. Educational Researcher, 46(7), 378–396.
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Blazar, D. & Kraft, M. (2017). Teacher and Teaching Effects on Students’ Attitudes and Behaviors. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 39(1), 146-170.
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Charner-Laird, M., Ng, M., Johnson, S.M., Kraft, M.A., Papay, J.P., & Reinhorn S.K. (2017). Gauging Goodness of Fit: Teachers’ Expectations for their Instructional Teams in High-Poverty Schools. American Journal of Education, 123(4), 553-584.
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Kraft, M.A. & Gilmour, A. (2017). Revisiting the Widget Effect: Teacher Evaluation Reforms and Distribution of Teacher Effectiveness Ratings. Educational Researcher, 46(5), 234-249.
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Kraft, M.A. & Blazar, D. (2017). Individualized Coaching to Improve Teacher Practice Across Grades and Subjects: New Experimental Evidence. Educational Policy, 31(7), 1033-1068.
Papay, J.P, Kraft, M.A. The Myth of the Teacher Performance Plateau. Educational Leadership. 2016;73 (May) :36-42.
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West, M.R., Kraft, M.A., Finn, A.S., Martin, R.E., Duckworth, A.L., Gabrieli, C.F.O., Gabrieli, J.D.E. Promise and Paradox: Measuring Students’ Non-cognitive Skills and the Impact of Schooling. Educational Evaluational and Policy Analysis. 2016;38 (1) :148-170.
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Papay, J.P., Kraft, M.A. (2016). The Productivity Costs of Inefficient Hiring Practices: Evidence from Late Teacher Hiring. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 35(4), 791–817.
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Kraft, M.A., Gilmour, A. Can Principals Promote Teacher Development as Evaluators? A Case Study of Principals’ Views and Experiences. Educational Administration Quarterly. 2016;52 (5) :711-753.
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Kraft, M.A., Marinell, W.M., Yee, D. School Organizational Contexts, Teacher Turnover, and Student Achievement: Evidence from panel data. American Educational Research Journal. 2016;53 (5) :1411-1499.
Blazar, D.L., Kraft, M.A. Exploring Mechanisms of Effective Teacher Coaching: A Tale of Two Cohorts From a Randomized Experiment. Educational Evaluational and Policy Analysis. 2015;37 (4) :542–566.
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Kraft, M.A. Teacher Layoffs, Teacher Quality and Student Achievement: Evidence from a Discretionary Layoff Policy. Education Finance and Policy, 10(4), 467-507.
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Kraft, M.A. & Rogers, T. (2015). The Underutilized Potential of Teacher-to-Parent Communication: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Economics of Education Review, 47, 49-63.
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Kraft, M.A., Papay, J.P., Charner-Laird, M., Johnson, S.M., Ng, M., Reinhorn, S. Educating Amidst Uncertainty: The Organizational Supports Teachers Need to Serve Students in High-poverty, Urban Schools. Educational Administration Quarterly. 51 (5) :753-790.
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Papay, J.P. & Kraft, M.A. (2015). Productivity Returns to Experience in the Teacher Labor Market: Methodological Challenges and New Evidence on Long-term Career Improvement. Journal of Public Economics, 130, 105-119.
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Kraft, M.A. How to Make Additional Time Matter: Integrating Individualized Tutorials into an Extended Day. Education Finance and Policy. 10 (1) :81-116.
Fin, A., Kraft, M.A., West, M.R., Leonard, J.A., Bisch, C.E., Martin, R.E., Sheridan, M.A., Gabrieli, C.F., Gabrieli J.D. Cognitive Skills, Student Achievement Tests, and Schools. Psychological Science. 2014;25 (3) :736-744.
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Johnson, S.M., Reinhorn, S.K., Charner-Laird, M., Kraft, M.A., Ng, M., Papay, J.P. Ready to Lead, But How? Teachers’ Experiences in High-poverty Urban Schools. Teachers College Record. 2014;116 (10) :1-50.
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Kraft, M.A., Papay, J.P. Can Professional Environments in Schools Promote Teacher Development? Explaining Heterogeneity in Returns to Teaching Experience. Educational Effectiveness and Policy Analysis. 2014;36 (4) :476-500.
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Herlihy, C., Karger, E., Pollard, C., Hill, H.C., Kraft, M.A., Gregory, M., & Howard, S. State and Local Efforts to Investigate the Validity and Reliability of Scores from Teacher Evaluation Systems. Teachers College Record, 116(1), 1-28.
Kraft, M.A. & Dougherty, S.M. (2013). The Effect of Teacher-Family Communication on Student Engagement: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. 2013;6 (3) :199-222.
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Hill, H.C., Charalambous, C.Y., McGinn, D., Blazar, D., Kraft, M.A., Beisiegel, M., Humez, A., Litke, E., & Lynch, K. Validating Arguments for Observational Instruments: Attending to Multiple Sources of Variation. Educational Assessment, 17, 1-19.
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Hill, H.C., Charalambous, C.Y., & Kraft, M.A. When Rater Reliability is Not Enough: Teacher Observation Systems and a Case for the G-study. Educational Researcher, 41(2), 56-64
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Johnson, S.M., Kraft, M.A., Papay, J.P. How context matters in high-need schools: The effects of teachers’ working conditions on their professional satisfaction and their students’ achievement. Teachers College Record. 2012;114 (10) :1-39.
Kraft, M.A. From ringmaster to conductor: 10 simple techniques can turn an unruly classroom into a productive one. Phi Beta Kappan. 2010;91 (7) :44-47.
Kraft, M.A. Toward a school-wide model of teaching for social justice: An examination of the best practices of two small public schools. Equity & Excellence in Education. 2007;40 (1) :77-86.
Kraft, M.A. The Guatemalan elections: Reshuffling the same business elites. Z Magazine. 2004;17 (2).